Building Erasmus Plus project between Mob@act partners

December is always a hot month, even despite low temperatures. Hanukkah, winter break, end of the year. Last year we could add our guest from Lithuania to the above list. A group of eight students from Kaunas International Gymnasium and their dynamic headmistress Edita Vainiene, paid us a visit and spent two weeks full of fun and adventures..

Both the school from Kaunas and its students have a lot in common with us. Being multicultural, open minded and having a positive outlook on life are values that are mutual for both of us. During their stay we learnt a lot about Lithuania, its history and customs. We could also see how similar we are to each other. We wanted to do something in return. Mr. Slawek, our geography teacher, gave a guided tour around Wroclaw just like an Italian cicerone. He told many stories and anecdotes about our city. Our guest visited many interesting places. Apart from obvious choices like Ostrow Tumski, Market Square and Panorama Raclawicka, our foreign guests (and their teacher) could admire the view over Wroclaw from the tower of Garrison Church (and thanks to good weather they could even see a mountain that is almost 100 km away), collections of various museums and many other places. One special place to see was Jewish Cemetery where they could learn about important elements of Jewish culture.

Let us remember, though, that Erasmus isn’t only about sightseeing. Student exchange is also about learning. The Lithuanians participated in our lessons. They took part in discussions, workshops and regular classes. They celebrated Hanukkah with us and shared gifts and festive atmosphere. At first it was the men part of the group that was more open. They were more eager to make new friends, take part in conversations and were more active during lessons. However, seemingly shy ladies proved to be as dynamic as their male peers and as the time was passing they started to show the more adventurous part of their characters They prepared a quiz about Lithuanian history and

culture. It had a small bonus in the form of questions related to South America, as one of the students from Kaunas was originally from this continent. Our guests have prepared prizes for the best students, sweets from Lithuania.

Throughout their stay, our guests were working on a project about human rights. They were holding interviews with our students and teachers, recording their answers and sharing the results at home.

Every visit has to come to an end. There were many kind words and hugs. We believe that relations that formed during this visit will last long and allow us to better understand the world around them.

Who knows, maybe some of them will decide to visit Kaunas during holidays and our guests shall become their guides. For sure, we will cherish this acquaintance.