The importance of self-training meetings within the Mob@act project

The second training meeting of the Mob@act project ended in April 2024, in Terrassa, near Barcelona and it was preceded by another important training moment in Bologna in September 2023. These two meetings saw the teachers of the various European institutes involved working together in a process of reflection and self-training on the aims of the Mob@act Project.

One of the main goals is to make the teachers of the different schools involved in this European project increasingly aware and trained on international student mobility.

In the first meeting in Bologna the teachers worked mainly in cooperative groups on the different aspects of the mobility: not only on the technical aspects of an Erasmus call, but also on the educational potential of the activities proposed to the exchange students, and finally on the definition of the most suitable profile for accompanying teachers.

In the second training event in Terrassa teachers worked more deeply on possible solutions for more detailed project aspects like different schools working on the same project or validating the mobility training period for students.

In a European context, self-training for teachers takes on even greater importance, considering the cultural and linguistic diversity present in various countries and the need to adapt educational practices to the specific needs of local contexts. Through the training meetings, teachers were able to enrich their perspective and acquire the necessary tools to face the challenges of internationalization and promote mobility and cooperation between educators at European level, encouraging the exchange of good practices, the sharing of experiences and mutual enrichment.

The strong point of the project is the collaboration of our high school with international institutions and schools, with which to build knowledge and good practices: the Kaunas International Gymnasium in Kaunas, Lithuania; the Liceum ETZ Chaim in Wroclaw, Poland; the Institut Cavall Bernat of Terrassa, Spain, and Uniser, a cooperative based in Bologna that supports schools in Erasmus projects.

Furthermore, the material produced during the workshops will be collected in the Mob@act platform, so that it can become a resource that can be consulted not only by Righi’s colleagues, but by all European teachers who plan to open up, together with their schools, to internationalization.